private practice for mental health - in-person sessions and online

Welcome to my private practice in Munich. I have experience in helping people with the following spectrum of psychological issues and life themes:


burnout and exhaustion

• chronic stress and disorders specifically

  associated with stress

• challenging life transitions, such as

  moving to a foreign country, divorce, illness or 

  conflicts at home or work

• mild and moderate depression

• anxiety disorders

• grief and loss; prolonged grief

• adjustment difficulties to health problems and

  chronic pain; bodily distress disorder


Tatjana Utz

alternative practicioner for psychotherapy

To create individualized, goal-oriented support I provide different evidence-based therapeutic approaches such as:


• solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT)

• EMDR therapy

• talk-therapy / client-centered therapy

• euthymic therapy


including elements of

• positive psychology

• resilience strengthening techniques

• mindfulness

to increase your quality of life.



My standard fee for 50 minutes of therapy is €90.

The fee for 90 minutes of EMDR therapy is €130.


Sessions are offered in my practice in Munich or online.


I´m an alternative practicioner for psychotherapy (Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie) and I run a private practice for self-payers. Therefore I´m not able to offer support through public health insurance.


Appointments cancelled up to 48 hours before the appointment are free of charge. After that I charge the costs of the booked appointment.


Appointments can be scheduled easily via Doctolib.


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Tatjana Utz - your alternative practitioner for psychotherapy in Munich